Life cycle inventory
To produce a FDES for a product or a PEP for an equipment, firstly, it is necessary to make a life cycle inventory (LCI).
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L’ICV est un bilan complet des flux entrants et sortants, des ressources énergétiques, matières premières et transports nécessaires pour fabriquer un produit ou un système. Il intègre les données amont, les ICV des produits intermédiaires entrant dans la constitution du produit fabriqué.
Il se présente sous forme de tableaux qui serviront de données d’entrée aux logiciels permettant de réaliser l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV) d’un produit de construction, souvent composé de plusieurs matériaux.
What is the content of a LCI?
- General information (Names and addresses of manufacturers, type of LCI, name of the verifier, date of verification, date of publication, name of the verification programme, commercial reference(s))
- Description of the functional unit or declared unit and description of the product
- Life cycle stages (from cradle to factory gate (A1-A3))
- Information for the calculation of the life cycle inventory (PCR used, system boundaries, allocations, geographical representativeness and temporal representativeness of primary data, variability of the results)
- Results of the LCI (for the 28 environmental indicators of NF EN 15804+A1 and NF 15804/CN standards)
- Additional information on release of dangerous substances into indoor air, soil and water during the use stage
What are the possible uses of LCI?
The objective of making LCI available in the INIES database is to enable industrials using the products described in the LCI for manufacturing their construction products, to draw up FDES by integrating these LCI into their modelling. These LCI can therefore be used the same way as other background data (ECOINVENT, GABI data, etc.) usually included in the product LCA software. The data is presented in 2 ways:
- An Excel file that allows importing the flows into the product LCA tool;
- A PDF document that summarises the information.