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Managed in a participatory way by construction stakeholders including Public Authorities, INIES is the reference database for environmental and health declarations of products, equipment and services for performance assessment of construction works.

INIES is the French national reference database for environmental and health data on construction products and equipment. INIES offers Environmental and Health Declaration Sheets (FDES) for construction products and Product Environmental Profiles (PEP) for building equipment, provided by manufacturers and trade associations in the format set out in European standard NF EN 15804 and its national supplement NF EN 15804/CN for construction products and standard NF XP C08-100-1 and PCR version 3 for equipment.

The INIES database is run by the supervisory board and the technical committee. The supervisory board, chaired by the Alliance HQE-GBC, ensures that the database operates ethically and professionally. The technical committee oversees the collection and processing of data as well as database content updates.

Established since 2004, it is a useful and essential tool to generalise eco-design of buildings.

The INIES database: multi-stakeholder governance

multi-stakeholder governance

INIES members

Logo Ademe

(Agence De l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie / Ecological Transition Agency)

Public institution that participates in the implementation of public policies thanks to its expertise and advice in the fields of waste management, soil conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energies, air quality and noise control for businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public. Member of INIES.

Afnor logo

(Association Française de Normalisation / French Association for Standardisation)

Organisation that leads and coordinates the process of developing standards and promotes their application. Member of INIES.


(Association française des Industries des produits de Construction / French Association of Construction Products Industries)

Association which represents products used in construction (structural and finishing products, components and equipment) by federating unions and federations representing industrial manufacturers. Member of INIES.

Alliance HQE-GBC

Association of professionals for a sustainable living environment. It brings together unions, professional federations, companies, communities and individual professionals in building, planning and infrastructure. French member of the World Green Building Council (World GBC), it owns INIES.

CAPEB logo

(Confédération de l’Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment / Confederation of Crafts and Small Building Enterprises)

The employers’ union of building crafts, it represents all building companies. Member of INIES.

CSTB logo

(Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment / Scientific and technical Centre for Building)

Public body that does research and expertise, assessment, certification, testing and dissemination of knowledge about construction products, buildings and their integration into neighbourhoods and cities. Member of INIES.

(Direction de l’Habitat, de l’Urbanisme et des Paysages / Department of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes)

Within the Ministry responsible for Ecological and Inclusive Transition, this department develops, coordinates and evaluates policies for urban planning, construction, housing, landscape, biodiversity, water and non-energetic mineral substances. Member of INIES.


(Entreprises Générales de France BTP / General Building Companies of France BTP)

Union of General Building Companies of France (EGF) is the professional organisation of the General Building Companies recognised for their capacity to innovate and their global and sustainable approach to the act of building. Member of INIES.

FFB logo

(Fédération Française du Bâtiment / French Building Federation)

Organisation that represents and supports construction companies, more than half of which are artisanal. FFB organises a territorial network, at departmental and regional level as well as through trade unions. Member of INIES.

PEP Ecopassport

PEP Ecopassport®

Manufacturers association which is the international operator of a programme for environmental declarations dedicated to electrical, electronic and HVAC equipment, accredited by State. Member of INIES.

Qualitel logo


Non-profit association whose mission is to promote the quality of housing through its information activities for the general public, certification of housing, research, assessment and expertise, and professional training. Member of INIES.

USH logo

(Union Sociale pour l’Habitat / Social Union for Housing)

Organisation that federates four federations of HLM (low-cost housing) organisations and a federation bringing together the 4 regional HLM associations. The Social Union for Housing fulfils several missions such as informing organisations and raising public awareness. Member of INIES.

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What is the INIES database?

INIES is the French national reference database for environmental and health data on construction products and equipment…
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